Heidi Wittenberg, MD Introduction
Adam Bonnington, MD Introduction
Megan McCaleb, PA-C Introduction
Peritoneal Pull Through Update March 2021
Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty: Many questions remain about benefits of this procedure over penile inversion vaginoplasty. We address these area of concerns regarding depth, maintenance, and lubrication. Definitive benefits clinically noted to date include: small amount of lubrication, 1-2cm of additional depth, no potential for future hair growth in the vagina compared to skin grafting with penile inversion technique. MoZaic Care Inc offers full depth lining of vaginal walls to vaginal opening for primary vaginoplasties. Hybrid techniques are used for vaginal revision cases. The same surgeon does the procedure from start to finish. March 2021.
Peritoneal Pull Through History
Peritoneal Pull Through Introduction
Peritoneal Pull Through Labia Minora
Hybrid vs Pull Through Flap
Preparing for Vaginoplasty
Trans Vagina 101
Dilating 101 Introduction
Dilating 101 part 2
Dilation Tutorial
Bladder Health
Vaginal Depth
Peritoneal Pull Through Bullet Points
Should I Remove my Ovaries?
Support Person After Vaginoplasty
Lubrication & Sensitivity
Sizing Up Your Dilator
with Megan McCaleb, PA-C
Pain after Vaginoplasty
Wound Vacuum after Vaginoplasty
Granulation Tissue
Discharge after Peritoneal Pull Through Vaginoplasty
Avoid Dilating the Urethra
Bowel Movements after Vaginoplasty
Why I Do This Work
Post Surgery Travel Tips
Sexual Sensations after Vaginoplasty
Vaginal Tightening after Vaginoplasty
Local Provider after Surgery
Access to Care
Vaginal Lining Options
Vulvoplasty: Minimal Depth
Vaginoplasty Additional Experts
Instructions for Post-operative Support