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Nullification removes external genitalia while preserving a urethral opening and anal opening.

If the patient was born with a penis, the penis will be removed in addition to both testicles and the scrotum.  The penile/clitoral nerves can be preserved under the skin or they can be removed, depending on the patient's goals.  The urethra is shortened to the base of the pre-existing penis.

If the patient was born with a vagina, the vagina will be removed in addition to the clitoris and labia.  The skin edges will meet at the original urethral opening.


Day of Surgery

Nullification performed by Dr. Bonnington involving removal of penis and scrotum (orcheictomy performed previously), clitoral nerves preserved under the skin.


Day of Surgery and 3 months post-op

Nullification performed by Dr. Bonnington involving removal of penis, testicles, and scrotum, clitoral nerves preserved under the skin.

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Gender Realignment Surgery (GRS)

Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS)

Transgender Surgery San Francisco 

SRS San Francisco

Peritoneal Pullthrough



Office phone: 415-395-9895

Fax: 415-395-9897

After hours: 855-638-7424


45 Castro St, Suite 324

San Francisco, CA  94114


Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Closed for lunch: 12pm - 1pm

(C) 2024 MoZaic Care, Inc

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