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Letter Requirements

CONSULTATION: Letters are not required, but recommended for the consultation.


REVISION CONSULTATIONS: Most insurance companies do require copies of the original recommendation letters in order to process the surgery authorization. We will discuss this with you upon scheduling. 


SURGERY SCHEDULING: In order to secure a surgery date, you will need to submit the letter requirements indicated below. If you submit your letters prior to your consultation, please be advised that they must be dated within 6-12-months of your surgery and will need to be revised.




  • 1 letter from your prescribing hormone provider


  • 2 mental health letters from two separate mental health providers

      (qualified mental health providers with a doctoral or master's level degree;
      PhD, MD, PsyD, LCSW, MSW, MFT, DSW, APRN, NP, LPC)




Mental Health Letters Must Include:


  • Date the letter was written

  • Patient's legal and preferred name

  • Patient's date of birth (individual must be 18 years of age)

  • The duration of the provider/patient relationship and frequency of treatment

  • Statement that the patient has been diagnosed with persistent, well documented gender dysphoria.

  • The patient has the capacity to make a fully informed decisions and consent for treatment.

  • The patient has undergone a minimum of 6-12 months of continuous hormone therapy, depending on your insurance requirements.*

  • Documentation that the patient has completed a minimum of 6 months of successful continuous full time real-life experience in the new gender, across a wide range of life experiences and events that may occur throughout the year. 

  • If the patient has significant medical/mental health or substance abuse issues present, they must be reasonably controlled. 

  • The patient understands the long-term follow up requirements and post-operative expectations have been addressed.

  • Fertility preservation has been discussed with the patient.

  • The provider writing the letter must state their experience treating patient's diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

  • The letter must be signed by the mental health provider.


Hormone Letter Must Include:


  • Date the letter was written

  • Patient's legal and preferred name

  • Patient's date of birth

  • The duration of the provider/patient relationship

  • Date the hormone therapy began; minimum of 6 months of continuous hormone therapy*


* If you are not taking hormones due to a medical contraindication or personal choice, we require a letter from your primary care provider documenting this information.


* Please make sure ALL letters are signed and dated by your providers


* Please be aware that some insurance companies may have different letter requirements not listed above​​


*We are aware of the WPATH SOC8 that was recently released. However, we are currently following SOC7 since insurance companies take time to update their requirements.



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Gender Realignment Surgery (GRS)

Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS)

Transgender Surgery San Francisco 

SRS San Francisco

Peritoneal Pullthrough



Office phone: 415-395-9895

Fax: 415-395-9897

After hours: 855-638-7424


45 Castro St, Suite 324

San Francisco, CA  94114


Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Closed for lunch: 12pm - 1pm

(C) 2024 MoZaic Care, Inc

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